The Netwerk Instituut, Orange Labs, World Resources Institute and Reseau Marp Burkina Faso present “The Web of VOICES” at the European Development Days #EDD13 In Brussel, 26/11/13.
Best practice on Voice-based mobile services for social development (FP7 project 2010-13)
Mobile and web services play a major role in social and economic progress in developing countries. Mobile telephony has shown a massive uptake in the developing world, opening great opportunities. But the World Wide Web remains inaccessible for many people. Communication in the Sahel region in West Africa, for example, is voice-based (many can’t read or write) and in many different local languages.
The VOICES project removes some of the access barriers to the Web related Mobdro Download to communication channels, access infrastructure, literacy and languages. VOICES couples in a novel way Web facilities to mobile telephony and community radio, gluing all together by voice.