Prof. dr. Marleen Huysman and Hans Berends (ILI) together with a consortium of researchers from KIN research (Fleur Deken, Maura Soekijad, Frans Feldberg) and Industrial Design, TU Delft (Dirk Snelders, Gerda Gemser and Maaike Kleinsmann), received an NWO grant as part of the program Strategic Research Creative Industry, for their proposal ’Crossover collaboration for digital innovation’.
This is the second larger NWO grant that the KIN research group section has received after last years’ grant for research on Human Capital and New Ways of Working.
The project will focus on the development of digital innovations that require heterogeneous partners from different disciplines and industries to collaborate.
Such crossover collaborations are radically different from more traditional inter-organizational collaborations due to the specific characteristics of digital innovation. This research will develop (1) improved understanding of how brokers involve and engage heterogeneous partners (connecting), (2) new approaches of design thinking that are required to create crossover digitized products and services (creating), and (3) insights on how coordination leads to the generation of new business models for crossover digital innovation (coordinating).
The research will be conducted in collaboration with business partners such as Philips Design, Agu and de Waag Society.
Vacancies for the three PhD positions will be published soon