Eep Talstra Centre nominated for the DH Awards 2014

One of the research groups of the Network Institute, the Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer, has been nominated for the prestigious DH Awards 2014 in the category “Best DH Tool or Suite of Tools” for its project SHEBANQ.

Since 1977 the Eep Talstra Centre has been building up a richly annotated database of the Hebrew Bible. Now, finally, the complete database has become open access. In the the CLARIN-NL project SHEBANQ (System for HEBrew Text: ANnotations for Queries and Markup) a webinterface was developed that enables running and saving queries and add them as annotations to the text. The richly annotated database can now be accessed by anyone who wants to consult the Hebrew text with its linguistic annotations, to see queries that researches have run and that have also been added as annotations, or run queries by him/herself, save the results or create a diagram of the statistics. Take a look and enjoy this new tool of biblical scholarship at

Shebanq example

peursen_wido_vanLead scientist: Wido van Peursen