VR Symposium @ VU

The Network Institute’s VR group invites to to join our morning symposium on VR in research and education at the VU. We have an interesting list of speakers introducing you to their take and use on Virtual Reality in academia. There will be plenty of time afterwards for a few quick demos and getting to know the other VR-enthousiasts!


VR symposium at the VU
Tuesday November 12th 2019 – 9:30- 13:00 at PThU 1E-24 (PThU zaal)

09:30 Opening from VU Network Institute [Ivar Vermeulen, chair NI]
09:40 Tilo Hartmann (on VR Psychology) and Marco Otte (on VR technology within NI) [as VR@VU group initiators]
10:00 Avinash Changa (15 + 5 discussion) [founder & CEO WeMakeVR] [on VR business, and academia-business collaborations]
10:20 Charlotte Gerritsen (15 + 5 discussion) [VR / artificial social agents, law, learning]
10:40 Faviola Brugger Dadis [NeuroReality] (15 + 5 discussion) [VR / stroke rehabilitation]
11:00 20 minute break – drinks
11:20 Tara Donker (ZeroPhobia) (15 + 5 discussion) [VR / fear of height]
11:40 Sylvia Moes (PleitVRij) (15 + 5 discussion) [VR / learning, law students]
12:00 Demos and snacks (60 minutes)
13:00 End