Please join us at the Connecting Worlds Conference on 30th June and 1st July 2022. The Connecting Worlds Conference brings together VU researchers in the broad theme of the Connected World with guests from abroad from VU’s many international cooperation programs.
The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam promotes research and education that investigates in depth important societal challenges, such as outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals, and is impactful in contributing to solutions. Inclusiveness, whereby research helps find new ways to connect people in a quickly changing world, is a foundation for this.
The conference takes place under the auspices of the Connected World VU research
profile theme, and is jointly organized by Network Institute, CLUE+, CIS – VU Center for
International Cooperation, and the Aurora European Universities Network.
Date: Thursday 30 June & Friday 01 July 2022
Location: On-campus (NU Building), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Preliminary Programme:
Day 1, Thursday 30 June:
10:00-10:30 – Welcome with coffee (Theater Hall NU-2C-33)
10:30-12:30 – Opening Plenary Session (Theater Hall NU-2C-33)
Opening by Prof Jeroen Geurts, rector-magnificus VU
Keynotes by:
Prof George Mark Onyango (Maseno University, Kenya)
Prof Narayanan Kulathuramaiyer (UNIMAS, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak)
Prof Saa Dittoh (University for Development Studies UDS, Ghana)
12:30-13:30 – Lunch break
13:30-14:15 – Plenary Session continued (Theater Hall NU-2C-33)
Keynote by Prof Susan Legêne (dean Faculty of Humanities, VU)
14:15-16:30 – Parallel Sessions
• Connected World PhD Doctoral Consortium (Room NU-4A-45)
• Digital Society & Global Citizenship (Aurora Research and Curriculum
Design workshop) (Room NU-4A-54)
• Connecting Worlds on Food and Water (CIS International Workshop)
(Room NU-4B-05)
Day 2, Friday 01 July:
10:00-10:30 – Welcome with coffee (Theater Room NU-4C-07)
10:30-12:30 – Parallel Sessions
• Connected World PhD Doctoral Consortium (Room NU-4A-45)
• Digital Society & Global Citizenship (Aurora Research and Curriculum
Design workshop) (Room NU-4A-54)
• Connecting Worlds on Food and Water (CIS International Workshop)
(Room NU-4B-17)
12:30-13:30 – Lunch break
13:30-14:15 – Closing Plenary Session (Theater Room NU-4C-07)
Addresses by and discussion with Dr. Ivano Malavolta, director Network
Institute, and
Prof Gert-Jan Burgers, director CLUE+, on the Connected World concept
and activity plans for the future;
Celebrating the winners of the Connected World Academy Assistants
14:15-16:00 – Connected World Poster Market Get-Together, with drinks – ground floor
NU Building