Connected World is one of four central profile themes of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. To promote research and education in this theme, we have now set up the CONNECTED WORLD SENIOR FELLOWSHIP, starting in the academic year of 2022/23. We are proud to present Daniel Neugebauer as our first Connected World senior fellow and to invite you to his inaugural lecture on 5 October, about “Corpoliteracy: Politics & Aesthetics“.
Connecting the Campus
Neugebauer (*1977) is Head of Communications and Cultural Education at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) in Berlin. During his fellowship he will work on the motto of Connecting the Campus. With lectures, seminars and exhibitions, Neugebauer will take colleagues on campus along the concept of Corpoliteracy, encouraging a critical rethinking of administrative structures, facilities on campus as well as modes of communication, both internal and external. By doing so, Neugebauer hopes to generate impulses for a higher degree of connectedness, inclusive practice, and organisational development. To that aim he will address an affective level (students´ and employees‘ well-being), a social level (modes of interaction on and with the campus), as well as a structural level (organizational governance to support the other two levels).