Showcasing your work to students

When an application is built, we have the possibility to showcase this to students of the VU. Letting students experience your work in VR, AR or Mixed Reality has great value for education because of its immersive qualities. Students can, for example, prepare themselves for stressful situations in their future work field or study. Or they can walk around the reconstruction of heritage sites that would otherwise be inaccessible.

The VU recognizes the value of immersive tech in education and provides any researcher to show their work with help from UB Tech Lab. In the University Library’s Tech Lab (NU 1A-25) are several VR glasses available to facilitate educational sessions with VR. Some examples of what educational projects are currently taking place at the Tech Lab with VR:

  1. Concerning law: With PleitVRij, third-year students plead in the oldest courtroom of the Netherlands. In this realistic environment, they experience the feeling of pleading in front of an audience and an unfamiliar judge. The application is cross-institutional, which allows students from different universities to meet each other virtually and give real-time feedback.
  2. Concerning movement sciences: With the 3D Organon app, students prepare for the anatomical lab. They practice in groups of two to three to gain more confidence when going into real practice.
  3. Concerning digital humanities: They experiment with VR applications showing different heritage sites around the world. Students not only experience the feeling of walking around these sites, but it is also the basis for a debate on reconstructions of the past and the choices made in these reconstructions.

You can book an intake interview to discuss the possibilities via this linkFor other questions, you can contact Let’s make our students as passionate about immersive tech as we are!