Research lunch on Human-Robot Interaction

Hi all, hereby we would like to invite you to the next NI research lunch on human-robot interaction!

  • Event Timing: 12:00-13:30, Thursday, April 13th
  • Event Location: NU-4A06
  • Contact us at:

During this research lunch, we would like to connect researchers studying Human-Robot interaction at the VU. Currently, there are many projects related to this theme at the VU spread across departments and institutes, but we lack a place where all of the researchers can connect, share ideas, and initiate collaborations. To facilitate community building, we are organizing this research lunch where you will be able to meet other researchers interested in human-robot interaction and where we will collectively work on identifying common interests and potential collaboration opportunities. Sign up here!

For this lunch session we will have three experts in the field from different faculties of the VU who will present their research and puzzles in the field:

  • Mike Ligthart is an assistant professor at the Social AI research group and has extensive experience in the field of human-robot interaction, especially with children
  • Jaap Kruijt is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Humanities and his research areas are communicative robotics, affective computing, semantics and pragmatics
  • Peggy van Minkelen is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication Science and is working in the research program ‘Communicating with and Relating to Social Robots’

We are looking forward to seeing you at the lunch!

The NI Research Team