Another research lunch is coming up, a special edition in the VU botanical garden with the aim of fostering collaboration between Computer Science and Social Sciences!
We recognize the immense potential that lies at the intersection of these two disciplines. To harness this potential, we are organizing a “Social Science x Computer Science Research Lunch” for which you can SIGN UP here (within 1 min).
The primary objective of this research lunch is to provide a platform for social scientists and computer scientists to connect, exchange ideas, and explore opportunities for interdisciplinary research. By bridging these disciplines, we aim to create synergistic collaborations that leverage the strengths of both fields and address complex societal challenges.
The event will feature:
- Lightning Talks: Researchers from both disciplines will present short pitches on their experience with interdisciplinary research. These conversation starters will facilitate knowledge sharing and spark engaging conversations among attendees.
- Networking Session: A dedicated networking session will provide an informal environment for participants to connect, exchange ideas, and identify potential collaboration opportunities.
- Lunch in a beautiful botanical garden!
Please mark the 6th of June in your calendars, and stay tuned for further updates on speakers and the event schedule. We look forward to seeing you there!