The Fast-Art Machine, the 2nd art installation of the Network Institute is live!

The title of the art installation is The Fast-Art-Machine

There are smart cameras all around us in the public space. From the police, the city government, big and small companies, and from residents. We may have become used to them by now and feel safe because of them. But these camera’s analyse us with artificial intelligence. And they store these analyses somewhere with a specific purpose. ‘(re)think the role of smart sensors in the digital age’ questions this development. The video installation explores the space between what smart cameras currently do and what they might do in the near future. By doing so we encourage ongoing conversations. How do we want these smart technologies to evolve? Immerse yourself in the installation, talk about it with fellow students and university staff, and let your voice be heard!
Read more about the project here.

The work is created by Anton Donle (student in Computer Science), David Fennema (student in Philosophy), Glenn de Wildt (student in Artificial Intelligence), and funded by the VU Network Institute.

Come by to see it!

It is placed at the first floor of the NU building, see below the map with the specific location.