Connected World Book Now Available

The research institute for Culture, Cognitive, History and Heritage (CLUE+) and the Network Institute are the foundational institutes of the “Connected World” profile theme.

This has culminated in Ivar Vermeulen’s book “Connected World”. In fact, it is authored by 100 Vrije Universiteit academics who give insights on how to build genuine bonds in our world which is more digitally connected than ever before, yet where true social cohesion is becoming scarcer.

Two weeks ago the book was presented in the VU’s Kerkzaal (see some photos here) with many of the authors present and including Jeroen Geurts (Rector Magnificus) & Susan Legene (Dean FGW).

It is available for free in an Open Access digital format here, where you can also buy it as a physical copy, fresh off the VU’s press for 24.50.


Chapter titles and authors:

  1. The Power of Poetry.  Diederik Oostdijk
  2. TikTok Is My Village: Adventures in Digital Parenting. Giulia Ranzini
  3. The World Has Broken Down into Parallel Technolinguistic Communities. Can They Be Bridged? Nyíri Pál
  4. Less Is More. Linda Douw
  5. Why Robotics Labs Should Look More Like Theatres. Kim Baraka
  6. Corporeal Connectivities: Imagining Institutions As Social Power Plants. Daniel Neugebauer
  7. Cinema. Emma Beauxis-Aussale
  8. Nothing Human Is Alien to Microbes. Bas Teusink, Frank Bruggeman and colleagues from the Systems Biology Lab
  9. Feeling Disconnected? Read a Novel! Anita Raghunath
  10. From Modern-Day Pinocchios to Social Robots in the Wild. Elly A. Konijn, Daniel Preciado Vanegas and Peggy van Minkelen
  11. Connecting Neuroscience, Education and Society to Tackle the Problem of Performance Pressure. Nienke van Atteveldt
  12. The Digital Society Is Already Here – Pity It Is ‘Unsustainable’. Patricia Lago
  13. Brand Activism: An Invitation. Peeter Verlegh
  14. Tattoo Memory. Norah Karrouche
  15. When Values Wither and Humans Lose: How AI Systems Change Our Social Foundations. Christine Moser
  16. Hurdles to Clear in Sports Science Support. Peter J. Beek
  17. From Brain to Brain and Body to Body: Connecting People through the Emerging Field of Interpersonal Neuroscience. Sander L. Koole
  18. The Promises and Perils of AI for Crowd Management. Charlotte Gerritse
  19. It’s the Media, Stupid! Ivar Vermeulen
  20. Time to Leave Our Comfortable Tech Silos and Linguistic Ivory Towers Behind: Why We Need Brave New Interdisciplinary Thinkers. Pia Sommerauer
  21. Deep Random Connections. Marije Martijn
  22. Connecting Women Innovators in West Africa Social Innovation through Regreening and Building Resilience in Low Resource Environments. Wendelien Tuijp and Anna Bon
  23. Are We Too Connected? Our Ultra-Connectedness Is Definitely Not Green. Ivano Malavolta
  24. Reaching Out to Planet Alzheimer. Sietske Sikkes
  25. Imperial Past, Human Family and the World of Nations. Susan Legêne
  26. Linguistic (Un)boxing: Understanding Social Categorisation, Diversity and Inclusion by Focusing on Language Use. Camiel Beukeboom
  27. Law Is a Human Enterprise. Tina van der Linde
  28. Anonymity and Incivility on Social Media: Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater. Peter Kerkhof
  29. Knowledge Graphs As Universal Knowledge Sharing Technology: Four Challenges to Connect the Unconnected. Victor de Boer
  30. In Search of a Home: Migration Crises and the Lessons Learned. Mirjam van Veen
  31. Sustaining Our Connections by Limiting Infectious Disease. Joshua Tybur
  32. A Connected World of Academics in the Fediverse. René Bekkers
  33. Learning in Dialogue: What Cultural Heritage Specialists Can Learn from Climate Scientists – and Vice Versa. Linde Egberts
  34. Survival of the Coolest. Guszti Eiben
  35. Burning Down the House. André Krouwel
  36. Opening a Dialogue about Mental Health through Comics and Creative Writing. Erin La Cou
  37. Milieudefensie vs Shell: Legitimate Correction of Regulatory Failure or Judicial Overreach? Lodewijk Smeehuijzen
  38. What Should English Sound Like? Amrita Das and Laura Rupp
  39. Connecting the Unconnected: Decolonising ICTs for the Developing World. Francis Saa-Dittoh
  40. Pop the Age Bubble! Laura Schaap
  41. Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. Mark Hoogendoorn
  42. The Pepper Corns in Ramesses II’s Nose: What Archaeology Tells Us about the Deep Past of the Connected World. Jan Paul Crielaard
  43. Building a Restorative (VU) University through Dialogue. Nieke Elbers
  44. How a Connected World Can Tackle Climate Change, Biodiversity Loss and Other Sustainability Problems. Oscar Widerberg
  45. Embracing Multilingualism in Children. Petra Bos
  46. Democracy Needs Empirical Logic. Jacob Bouwma
  47. Use but Handle with Care: Gossip as a Means for Connection. Bianca Beersma
  48. Connected Connectedness. Erik Verhoef
  49. Smart Health Technology Should Focus on Increasing the Quality of Human Contact. Michel Klein
  50. Turning the Tide: Reconnecting Citizens to Politics through VR. Mariken van der Velden
  51. Borders That Unite. Freek Colombijn and Gertrud van Loon
  52. Interdisciplinary and International Community Service Learning an Opportunity to Connect the World? Eduardo Urias, Sarju Sing Rai and Marjolein Zweekhorst
  53. Out of the Bubble and into the Echo Chamber: Researching Media Use and Effects in a Post-Broadcast Era. Wouter van Atteveldt
  54. Woman, Life, Freedom, and the Power of Social Media. Halleh Ghorashi
  55. Connecting the Worlds of Business and IT in Practice. Bart van den Hooff
  56. Harnessing Outrage to Create Social Change. Catherine Molh
  57. Connecting Souls. Ruard Ganzevoort
  58. The Rise of Immersive Technology: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility. Tilo Hartmann
  59. Amplifying Citizens’ Voice in Global Governance Why We Need Inclusive Deliberation Processes to Solve 21st-Century Challenges. Kristina S. Weißmüller
  60. The Connected World at the Heart of Science. Frank van Harmelen
  61. The Power of Stories: Connecting with Others and Ourselves. Katalin Eva Bálint
  62. Connected World, Cultural Heritage and the Living Environment. Gert-Jan Burgers
  63. Connected and Open: Next Level Open Access. David Oldenhof and Hilde van Wijngaarden
  64. Should We Celebrate Education As the Great Enabler of a Connected World? Niels van Manen
  65. Everything is Connected to Everything Else. Kristine Steenbergh
  66. Citizen Assemblies as Method and Goal: Towards More Dialogical Science Communication. Jaron Haramba
  67. Feeding Back Findings from Interaction Research: Lessons Learned. Joyce Lamerichs
  68. Let’s Get Wild: Connecting the Human and More-Than-Human World. Peter-Ben Smit and Iris Veerbeek
  69. Protesting in a Contemporary, Connected World. Jacquelien van Stekelenburg
  70. Data is Plural, except for the Experts. Luuk Lagerwerf
  71. Toward Sustainable Food Systems: The Need for Transformative Research and Innovation. Jacqueline Broerse and Kristiaan Kok
  72. Connecting the Divine. Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte
  73. From Connection to Correspondence As Approach to Transcultural and Transdisciplinary Collaboration. Joana Meroz
  74. Broaden Norms to Connect the World. Marieke Slootman
  75. Religious Heritage Amsterdam on the Map. August Den Hollander, Hermine Pool and Birgit Büchner
  76. Luring in Casey and Emma: Use Hybrid Language, Break Routines and Let the Conversation Begin. Willemine Willem
  77. Connecting Is More Than Being Friendly: Why Interdisciplinarity Is As Hard As It Is Vital. Lia van Wesenbeeck
  78. Ties That Bind. Pepijn Brandon
  79. Translation Is an Attitude. Interview with Jeroen Geurts