We would like to invite you for the next monthly NI Research Lunch on Thursday, October 12th from 12h-13.30 in room NU-4A06, on the topic of Human-Interactive Agent Learning.
Our topic this time builds upon the fruitful discussions on the previous Human-Robot Interaction Research Lunch and is part of a wider movement within the Human-Agent Interaction community. Despite recent spotlights on Deep Learning and LLMs, there is a parallel growing trend in AI and robotics research to move toward interactive learning, i.e., a system learns from interacting with a human. However, such systems raise questions relevant to multiple fields, from cognitive and behavioral sciences, to machine learning or law:
– How do humans teach and learn?
– How to leverage humans’ expertise in (social) teaching to teach efficiently to robots?
– How can AI and robotics encourage efficient teaching from their human partners?
– What ethical and legal questions are raised by such systems?
– How to utilize this teaching in high-stakes environments, such as robot-assisted surgery or other medical application?
The focus of this lunch will be a moderated discussion trying to tie together as many disciplines involved in teaching and learning to see what opportunities and challenges lie ahead.
With this research lunch, we would like to reach outside the usual members of the NI to behavioral sciences, the ALTI community and people interested from the medical sciences to have a discussion as rich as possible.
The lunch will be moderated by research visitor dr. Emmanuel Senft (Idiap, Switzerland), as part of the NI Research visits.
Don’t forget to register here to reserve your spot!
The NI Research Team