What is the feasibility of live-mapping the differential use of religious texts in social media to identify religious issues present across digitally mediated culture? How can we mine social media such as X in the age of restrictions? How can we detect and analyze religious language?
The Network Institute Research Visit project “Live-mapping Religious Difference Online: the interplay of Digital Society, religious texts mediated online, and live-mapping” will be organizing the following events around these questions.
Both hackathons will take place on campus at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Because of the limited number of places available, an application is required. For those whose application is granted registration is free and includes lunch and dinner (pizza). The final joint seminar will be hybrid and open to everyone.
First Hackathon (Thursday 26 Oct 2023; 10.00-17.00; room HG-05A32): Text-mining social media in the age of restrictions
Second Hackathon (Friday 27 Oct 2023; 10.00-17.00; HG-02A32): Analyzing religious language in social media
Further information: https://etcbc.nl/news/hackathons/
Application and registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc0TqboZOIkqQpMqJJv5JpfsMmsjmdYGBTgv4suQEoQgx9VAw/viewform