Research Lunch: Religion on Social Media & Metaphors in Tech Communication

Dear VU Researchers and Colleagues,

Hereby we would like to invite you to the upcoming Research Lunch organised by the Network Institute to facilitate exchange between researchers at the VU across disciplines and institutions.

  • When: 9th of November, 12.00-13.30
  • Where: NU-3B05

The research lunch will feature participants from the NI Research visits program who will be discussing their ongoing projects centred around the Digital Society:

1) Gudrun Reijnierse And Aletta Meinsma: The Effect Of (Non-)Metaphorical Explanations On Comprehension And Attitude Towards Quantum Technology. How are attitudes formed of emergent technology? Which role do metaphors play and can they contribute to better comprehending a technology? How does comprehension in turn influence attitude formation?

2) Willem van Peursen and Yusuf Çelik: Analyzing Religious Language In Social Media In The Age Of Restrictions. Can religious differences be mapped online? How can you identify and analyse religious language on social media? How to deal with current restrictions in the use of X for academic research purposes?

The event will feature presentations, interactive discussions on the subjects, networking opportunities with fellow VU researchers interested in these topics and a tasty lunch provided by the Network Institute; SIGN UP HERE (takes 1 min, places are limited).

We look forward to seeing you there!

The NI Research Team