We would like to draw your attention to this conference on the future of digital wellbeing.
- When: on 1st and 2nd of February.
- Registration deadline: January 31 (see bottom of the page)
- Where: Hosted at KNAW’s Trippenhuis venue in Amsterdam (Kloveniersburgwal 29, 1011 JV).
- Day 1 will be in-person only. Day 2 will be livestreamed from 13:00 (keynotes and industry panel only).
The conference is a two-day event on how interdisciplinary insights into digital well-being can improve how we design future online technologies.
Special focus on:
**Sharing academic insights with industry & DWB practitioners**
**Integrating non-Western conceptions of well-being into technology design**
DAY 1: PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP (13:00–17:30, Thursday 1st Feb):
Invited expert discussion of digital well-being with audience participation.
Confirmed experts:
- Dorian Peters (University of Cambridge, Imperial College London)
- Christopher Burr (Alan Turing Institute)
- Asia J. Biega (Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy)
- Sindy Sumter (University of Amsterdam)
- Titiksha Vashist (Pranava Institute)
- Shyam Krishnakumar (Pranava Institute)
- Laura Moradbakhti (Imperial College London)
- Susanne Baumgartner (University of Amsterdam)
- Cynthia Dekker (University of Amsterdam)
- Gunter Bombaerts (TU/e)
- Anna Puzio (University of Twente)
DAY 2: CONFERENCE (09:30–18:00, Friday 2nd Feb)
Academic impact workshop (09:30–12:00):
- ‘Reimagining Digital Well-Being.’
- Led by Dr. Matthew J. Dennis (TU/e).
- Invited contributions by Lyanne Uhlhorn (TU/e) & Daan Annemans (Altrüis).
Industry Panel (13:00–14:30):
- Dr. Johnny Hartz Søraker (AI Ethics, Google)
- Dr. Anastasia Dedyukhina (CEO of Consciously Digital)
- Kenneth Schlenker (CEO of Opal)
- Panel moderated by Iliana Grosse-Buening (Quiet Social Club).
Keynote Sessions:
- Keynote 1: Prof. Mariek Vanden Abeele (15:00–16:00)
- Title: ‘Disconnect to Reconnect? The Science Behind Digital Well-being and Digital Disconnection.’
- – Associate Professor in Digital Culture at Ghent University (https://www.ugent.be/mict/en/team/professors/mariek_vanden_abeele)
- – Award holder of ERC StG on digital well-being (DISCONNECT: https://www.ugent.be/en/research/explorer/eu-trackrecord/h2020/erc-h2020/disconnect.htm)
- Keynote 2: Prof. Philip Brey (16:15–17:15)
- Title: ‘The Metaverse & Well-Being.‘
- – Full Professor in Philosophy & Ethics of Technology at Twente University (https://people.utwente.nl/p.a.e.brey)
- – Programme Leader of Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies (https://www.esdit.nl/)
Networking drinks: KNAW bar (17:15–18:00)
There is limited capacity (50 places), so registration is essential.
To register, please send Kate Raaijmakers (Secretariat.P&E@tue.nl) the following information:
1) Which day(s) you’ll attend the in-person event (KNAW, Amsterdam) in person (Thursday 1st Feb and/or Friday 2nd Feb 2024)?
2) Whether you’ll attend the networking drinks on Friday 2nd Feb 2024.
3) Whether you need online access to the industry panel & online keynote sessions, which will be livestreamed on Friday 2nd Feb 2024.
Thanks to Renate Baumgartner for bringing this to the NI’s attention