Call for Network Institute Academy Assistant (NIAA) Projects

Apply for an interdisciplinary research project and work with 2 student assistants. 

Deadline June 14th, 2024 at 23.59 pm 

Accepted proposals will start in October 2024 with funding for 10 months

The Network Institute’s (NI) Academy Assistants program (NIAA) is now entering its 14th year. The program aims to bring together scientists from different disciplines; therefore, the projects must combine methods and themes from two different disciplines affiliated with the NI. For each awarded project, the program will fund two student research assistants 1 day per week (0,2 FTE) for a period of ten months. The expected outcome of the project is a published paper and/or research proposal. In addition, at the end of the project (July 2025) we will publish all final project reports on the website.  

See more information here. But do take a glimpse at the 1-page proposal template here (page 2, there is a preview before download).

See last year’s NIAA projects here.

A picture of the “robot bookworm” from last year’s project

This year, we offer a matchmaking service: if you are interested in a project but have not yet found a co-applicant, or if you are a student interested in being a NIAA, please send an email to and we will attempt to identify potential collaborators. 

If you have any questions regarding this call or eligibility, please contact 

We look forward to receiving your proposals!

If you are looking for something more short-term, the NI Research Visits offers funding for collaboration between VU staff and an external researcher for up to 1 month.

NI Academy Team