Tutorial analyzing and visualizing Linked Data on the Web

A hands-on tutorial on analyzing and visualizing Linked Data on the Web, by members of the Network Institute, that is of interest for many people in the Network Institute.

e-Humanities Group Workshop (New Trends in e-Humanities): 2.30-5.30 pm, 14 March 2013


 You are cordially invited to join the e-Humanities Group (eHg) Workshop scheduled for Thursday 14 March 14.30 – 17.30hrs. to be held at the Meertens Institute, Symposiumzaal, Joan Muyskensweg 25, 1096 CJ Amsterdam. For travel directions see: http://www.meertens.knaw.nl/cms/en/contact.

  • Dr. Willem Robert van Hage (SynerScope B.V. / VU University Amsterdam) and Dr. Rinke Hoekstra (VU University Amsterdam) will hold a Tutorial on Analyzing and Visualizing Linked Data with R 2013.

It will include a hands-on session, so bring your own laptop. Please install the following software on your laptop:

As space is limited registration is necessary. To register, please send an email to anja.de.haas@ehumanities.knaw.nl. Please note that different than the normal Research Meetings the workshop will start at 14.30 hrs and go on until 17.30 hrs.

Now called “New Trends in e-Humanities,” these research meetings of the e-Humanities Group provide opportunity to share research with colleagues involved in the digital / computational humanities. See our website for details of forthcoming meetings (http://ehumanities.nl). We welcome your contributions to these meetings and invite you to arrange presentations of your work; feel free to contact Jeannette.haagsma@ehumanities.knaw.nl for details on the schedule of meetings.

Tutorial on Analyzing and Visualizing Linked Data with R 2013

The openly available R package SPARQL allows to directly connect to Linked Data and use the SPARQL querying language for selecting interesting part of data for analysis. Thus it enables to meet massive and rich data sets with the analytical power of the R language and environment.
This approach and tools contribute to Linked Science and Open Science movements to support the transparency of science and to conduct transdisciplinary research.

In this tutorial we will introduce the idea and concepts about Linked Science, and show via illustrative examples about how to practically query and analyze Linked Data from within R environment for visual and statistical analysis. Tutorial materials will be published online.


Willem Robert van Hage (PhD TNO / VU University Amsterdam, 2009) is lead data scientist at SynerScope B.V. and guest researcher at the VU University Amsterdam in the field of Information Integration on the Web. His main research topics in the past years are event modeling, geospatio-temporal semantics, ontology alignment, and ontology learning. He is principal investigator in the US ONRG funded COMBINE project on automating Web detective work, is work package leader in the EU FP7 project NewsReader on story line detection in news archives, and participates in the Dutch BSIK COMMIT Metis project on on automating Web detective work to do background checks on ships for maritime situational awareness. He is a co-organizer of the Detection, Representation, and Exploitation of Events in the Semantic Web workshop (DeRiVE 2011, 2012) and since 2006 he has been a co-organizer of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI), a collaborative benchmarking effort for the evaluation of ontology alignment techniques. Together with Tomi Kauppinen and Rinke Hoekstra he organizes the Tutorial series on Linked Science (TOLSCI/LODR) about improving the speed, efficiency and transparency of Web research. He has led the development of the Simple Event Model (SEM), an ontology for the description of events. In the past years he has worked on the combination of Semantic Web reasoning (RDF(S), OWL) and geospatio-temporal reasoning, developing a spatiotemporal indexing package for the popular SWI-Prolog programming language, which has led to a best paper award at the EKAW 2010 conference, and Semantic Web packages for SPARQL querying and RDF storage for the R statistical programming language.

Rinke Hoekstra is researcher at the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group of VU University Amsterdam, and at the Leibniz Center
for Law of the University of Amsterdam. His research concentrates on the application of web-based knowledge representation technology to
research data and publications, government and legal information. He is the project leader of Data2Semantics, a collaboration with DANS, Elsevier and both universities of Amsterdam. Data2Semantics explores essential tools and infrastructure for enabling Linked Science. Rinke Hoekstra recently published all Dutch legislation as Linked Data, developed a Linked Data version of the AERS dataset of the FDA. He am the main author of the LKIF Core ontology of basic legal concepts, and one of the initial developers of the MetaLex XML format for legal sources. He was a member of the OWL Working Group that developed OWL 2.


The next RM will be 28 March with a presentation by 1. Menzo Windhouwer, The Language Archive: Title and details to follow , 2. Eric Deibel, L’Institut francilien recherche, innovation et société” (IFRIS) en Centre d’Economie de l’Université Paris Nord (CEPN): Open genetic code: informatic practices and the commodification of life.