Mechanisms of a Virtual Reality Respiratory Biofeedback Intervention

Mechanisms of a Virtual Reality Respiratory Biofeedback Intervention: a Proof-of-Concept Randomized Controlled Trial Researchers: Elke Vlemincx & Gabriela Cortez Vazquez, Health Science VUApplication development and support: Marco Otte, Network Institute VU Mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression, and stress, … Continue reading

Launch event of the Use-Me Art and Science projects!

Last week was the launch event of the Use-Me Art and Science project. The project challenges the VU community to think critically about the recursive relationship between technology and society. For example, what are the opportunities and threats that technology … Continue reading

Virtually Bad

This project introduces the concept of “virtual bad guys”: intelligent virtual agents that take a negative or even aggressive stance towards the user. Although they pave the way to various interesting applications, it is hard to create virtual bad guys … Continue reading