Where we are
Contact people
Dr. Ivano Malavolta
T: +31 20 598 3548
E: i.malavolta@vu.nl
Tech Labs
Drs. Marco Otte
T: +31 20 598 2939
E: m.otte@vu.nl
Ms. Mojca Lovrencak
T: +31 20 598 7782
E: m.lovrencak@vu.nl
Social Media
Connect with us (also) via:
– LinkedIn
– X (former Twitter)
How to reach us
Institutional email – network.institute.beta@vu.nl
Institutional website – networkinstitute.org
Postal Address
The Network Institute
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam – Nieuw Universiteitsgebouw
De Boelelaan 1111
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands