On 6th July 2022, we had the Network Institute End-of-the-Year Event 2022. The event was chaired by Victor de Boer. The event started off by introducing various initiatives, and vision of the Network Institute. All the events and activities of NI during the last year were summarised. This was followed by the presentations of the NI Academy Assistant (NIAA) Projects for last year (2021-22). After this, we also announced the NIAA Projects for 2022-23 (see the slides). Finally, awards were given to the Best NIAA project for 2021-22, Best NIAA Presentation & Best “Use-Me! Art & Science” projects.
NIAA Projects Selected for 2022-2023:
- A new Cloud for a Sustainable Digital Society – Patricia Lago and Oscar Widerberg
- Towards non-binary faces recognition: a critical study on gender and identity to build a more equitable AI – Elena Beretta and Ayse Seda Yalcin-Muftugil
- Deep generative models for spatial reconstruction of single cell transcriptomics data – Evert Bosdriesz and Jakub M. Tomczak
- EMOTT: Emotion-aware Software Testing Teaching – Natalia Silvis-Cividjian and Martin Gevonden
- Designed to deceive: how manipulative design in privacy policies affects transparency and user rights – Dayana Spagnuelo and Silvia De Conca
- Between Art, Data, and Meaning – How can Virtual Reality expand visitors’ perspectives on cultural objects with colonial background? – Claudia Libbi and Tilo Hartmann
- A large music model using MIDI representations – Peter Bloem and Emily Clark
Best NIAA Project 2021-2022:
Interpretability Metrics for Neural Models of Text Adequacy – Lisa Beinborn, Florian Kunneman, Bruna Aguiar Guedes, Charlotte Pouw.
Best NIAA Presentation 2021-2022:
- Facilitating Translational Team Science
- Aniek Antvelink, Marloes Bet, Joyce Lamerichs and Linda Douw
- What makes a Good Teacher? Modeling Inter-Individual Differences in Humans who Teach Agents
- Mehul Verma, Raj Bhalwankar, Kim Baraka and Daniel Preciado Vanegas
Best “Use-Me! Art & Science” projects:
- Smart Surveillance- Marjoleine Georgette van der Meij, Marco Michael Schürmann
- Salvador DALL-É- Anton Donle, Glenn de Wildt, David Fennema
- Exploration Into Fractal Production – Idil Safi, Erik Stricker Schall
Pictures from the Event: