Privacy Policy

VU Amsterdam processes, manages and protects your personal data with the utmost care and therewith complies with the requirements imposed on us by the Personal Data Protection Act.

Scope of this Privacy Statement

This Privacy Statement applies to personal data which is created through your visits to VU Amsterdam’s websites. By using these websites, you thereby agree to our privacy policy.

Personal data

In connection with our services, VU Amsterdam records data in one or more files with your consent. The university may collect personal data through the sites mentioned for the following purposes:

  • sending study programme information and invitations/announcements concerning informational activities;
  • sending publications, newsletters and/or correspondence to people who have requested this.

Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam respects your personal information. Personal information is processed and secured with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

User navigation behaviour and web statistics

VU Amsterdam measures, for example, the extent to which its websites are visited, as well as user navigation behaviour on our websites. To that end, we maintain general information regarding the visitors to our sites. Such information includes the pages most visited, surfing behaviour and the type of web browser used by the visitor. Based on web statistics, we examine how we can improve the information provided and the navigation structure. This information cannot be traced back to you, and your identity thus remains protected.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to observe general visitor data, statistical analysis of visits and click behaviour. VU Amsterdam uses a privacy friendly setting of Google Analytics, which results in anonymous IP-addresses and data which is only available on a secure connection.
Google uses this information to keep track of how our website is used, to provide us with reports about the website and to provide VU Amsterdam as an advertiser information on the effectiveness of campaigns.
Google only provides this data to third parties when legally obligated to do so or if the third party processes the data for Google. We have no influence in this area.
This data cannot be traced to you as a person or individual, except when you supply your email, for instance when you subscribe to a newsletter.

Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter

This website may contain buttons to promote or share webpages on social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. These buttons are created through code which is supplied by Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter themselves.

Processor agreement

VU Amsterdam has signed a processor agreement with all companies who process data for VU Amsterdam. In the agreement it is recorded, amongst other things, to what purpose the personal data may be processed and which safety measures must be in place to store the personal data. The agreements also state that those who process the data do so confidentially and cannot decide on an individual basis to process the data for a different purpose other than the purpose recorded in de processor agreement.

Furnishing data to third parties

Personal data is not furnished to companies or organizations outside VU Amsterdam, unless:

  • the university is required to do so by law;
  • this is not inconsistent with the purpose for which the data was obtained.

Sites linked to VU Amsterdam’s websites

VU Amsterdam’s websites include links to sites which have not been constructed by or at the instruction of the university. VU Amsterdam is not liable for the content of linked sites or the manner in which those sites handle your personal data.

Protection of data

VU Amsterdam utilizes security and safety procedures which are intended in part to allow only authorized persons access to your personal data.

Retention period

VU Amsterdam keeps your data as long as it remains relevant for the purpose (or purposes not inconsistent with this) for which we collected the data.

This Privacy Statement was updated on 15 May 2018.