Citizen and Employee Conflict Prevention through Behavioral Intervention.
Supervisors: Kim van Erp & Marie Lindegaard
Assistants: Laura Hendriks & Dominic Larsen
- Laura Hendriks
- Dominic Larsen
Citizen and Employee Conflict Prevention through Behavioral Intervention.
Supervisors: Kim van Erp & Marie Lindegaard
Assistants: Laura Hendriks & Dominic Larsen
GreenZen: Applying Machine Learning to Detect Stress in Crop Plants.
Supervisors: Jacopo Urbani & Roberta Croce
Assistants: Lukas Jasmontas
In touch with VR: Testing a new “haptic illusion induction” method to enhance social presence.
Supervisors: Tilo Hartmann & Charlotte Gerritsen
Assistants: Tijs Portegies & Frederic Chamot
M-Health to prevent virus infections in rural Sarawak.
Supervisors: Anna Bon & Ona Ilozumba
Assistants: Lisanne van Lent & Siying Zhang
Measuring and modelling contagion of health behaviour in young adults’ social network.
Supervisors: Michel Klein & Peter Kerkhof
Assistants: Bob Steenmeijer & Hendrik von Kentzinsky
Provenance-Aware Methods for the Interoperability of Linguistic Corpora.
Supervisors: Tobias Kuhn & Roser Morante
Assistants: Timo Lek & Anna de Groot
Using Similarity Digests to Track Diffusion of Knowledge and Discourse.
Supervisors: Markus de Jong & Mahmood Zargar
Assistants: Constantin Tcanenco & Coen van der Geest