RoboLab Reservation Form 1Personal Information2Lab specifics3Reservation Details Name* First Last StudentYesNoTeacher*AffiliationEmail* Phone Equipment needed UMI-RTX Robotarm Sony Aibo ERS-111 Sony Aibo ERS-7 AR.Drone v1 AR.Drone v2 CrazyFly Aldebaran Nao V3+ Aldebaran Nao V4 Aldebaran Nao V5 Kuka youBot Hokuyo Laser Scanner URG-04LX Hokuyo Laser Scanner UTM-30LX Microsoft Kinect v1 Microsoft Kinect v2 Asus Xtion Pro Live Xsens MTi-G700 Ricoh Theta Please note you will need an UvA access card for this lab. When using the lab for more than one week, your access card could be upgraded for this room. For more information please contact Arnoud Visser. Amount of days* One Multiple Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Start date* MM slash DD slash YYYY End date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Start time* : Hours Minutes End time* : Hours Minutes Which days of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Number of peopleFrequency* Once Series Description*