Tech Labs Reservation Form General Information First name*: Last name*: Student? Yes No Teacher (* if student): Affiliation: E-mail*: Phone: Intertain Lab (VU)* Equipment requirements: Type of event: Presentation from personal laptop using VGA Presentation from USB stick Large screen using HD beamer Large screen using two small separate beamers TV screen at presentation stand Interactive screen TV screen in home corner Demo bar screens Eye tracker HD video conferencing set Video cameras for room monitoring Virtual reality training bike Education Experiment Private meeting Public meeting Video/photo shoot Other Other equipment (optional): Do you need an access card? Yes No Please note you will need an access card for this lab. For more information please contact Marco Otte. Game Cella’ (VU)* Type of research: Virtual Reality Robotics Gaming Software Development Hardware Development Visualization Other For more information please contact Marco Otte. Media Lab (VU)* Type of research: Eye Tracking Cubicles Phone Survey Observation Meeting Other Pasport/Drivers License number (* if student) : Please note you will need keys for this lab. For more information please contact Marco Otte. RoboLab (UvA)* Equipment needed: UMI-RTX Robotarm Sony Aibo ERS-111 Sony Aibo ERS-7 AR.Drone v1 AR.Drone v2 CrazyFly Aldebaran Nao V3+ Aldebaran Nao V4 Aldebaran Nao V5 Kuka youBot Hokuyo Laser Scanner URG-04LX Hokuyo Laser Scanner UTM-30LX Microsoft Kinect v1 Microsoft Kinect v2 Asus Xtion Pro Live Xsens MTi-G700 Ricoh Theta Please note you will need an UvA access card for this lab. When using the lab for more than one week, your access card could be upgraded for this room. For more information please contact Arnoud Visser. UX/Gaming Lab (UvA)* Equipment needed: UOYA Console Sony Playstation 3 Sony Playstation 4 Nintendo Wii-U Microsoft Xbox 360 Microsoft Xbox One Nexus 7″ tablet HTC Desire HD Acer Liquid Glow Please note you will need an access card for this lab. For more information please contact Sander Bakkes. Event specifics Start Date* (dd-mm-yyyy): Start Time (if applicable): End Date* (dd-mm-yyyy): End Time (if applicable): Which days of the week (if multiple days): Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Estimated # of people (if appl.): Frequency*: Once Series Description* (at least 50 characters):