The Intelligent Robotics Lab at the UvA Science Park focusses on using and programming humanoid and other robots.
You can find the RoboLab in room: Science Park in room L1.01.
To get access please contact Arnoud Visser.
What does the RoboLab offer you?
- UMI-RTX robotarm
- Sony Aibo ERS-7 & ERS-111
- Drone v1 & v2
- CrazyFly v1 & v2
- Aldebaran Nao V3+, V4, V5 & V6
- Softbank Pepper v6
- Monarch MBot
- Jumping Sumo
- Rolling Spider
- Mambo & Tuk Tuk Race microdrone
- Orak Hydrofoil & Mars Cargo microdrone
- Kuka youBot
- Hokuyo LiDAR URG-04LX & UTM-30LX
- Scance 3D Laser Scanner
- Segway Loomo
- Velodyne VPL-16 & Unitree L1
- Microsoft Kinect 1 & 2 (depth sensor)
- LUXonis OAK-1 and OAK-D (DepthAI sensors)
- Asus Xtion Pro Live (depth sensor)
- DepthSense DS325 (depth sensor)
- RealSense D435 & D435i (depth camera)
- Structure Core ST02D-C (depth camera)
- RealSense LiDAR camera L515
- Xsens MTi-G-700 (inertia GPS sensor)
- Ricoh Theta (360 deg camera)
- OptiTrack 6 Flex 13 motion capture
- Shero BB-8
- Philips ICat
- E-puck2 with Omnivision v3
- DuckieBot & DuckieTown
- Nvidia AI Jetbots & Jetracer Pro
To make a reservation, please use the Reservation Form link in the menu.
Please note that items with a [Option] suffix are not yet approved by the Tech Lab team.