Research cocktail on “Sustainability of Digital Technologies”

The Network Institute and DISC (Digital Sustainability Center) are excited to invite all of you to the next research cocktail with four talks that will reflect on the societal, technical, and environmental sustainability of technology.

Save the date: 15th November 16:00-19:00

Below you can find the speakers and the topics being discussed:

  1. Kevin Luck: Energy-Efficient Robotics.
  2. Bart Bossink and Sandra Hasanefendic: Breakthrough Technologies and Sustainable Innovation.
  3. Radu Nicolae and Dante Niewenhuis: Energy Efficiency of Infrastructure and Systems.
  4. Emma Beauxis-Aussalet: Social Sustainability of Software. 

Also, don’t forget to keep an eye out for the next cocktail event, on November 26th. More information about it will be posted on the website closer to the date.

For more details, have a look here: