Meet your future: Green-IT

Meet your future: Green-IT networking event for students a success
Students and industrial partners were enthusiastic about a networking event that was organized on November 14, 2013 by the Computer Science department (dr. Patricia Lago, Software and Services) in collaboration with the Network Institute. Representatives of various green-IT companies got to meet students from various Masters programmes from VU and UvA.

The event was a great success: both participating companies and students have enthusiastically commented on the inspiring initiative. After the event, drinks lasted until 8 PM, with students discussing opportunities for internships and collaboration between our students and our industrial partners. A good mix of VU and UvA students attended.

This was the first time an event like this was organized. After this successful pilot edition, plans are allready in the making Mobdro Download to start a series of “Meet your future” networking events in collaboration with companies and students.

The companies present were: Cerios Green, Statiq Cooling, Green Clouds, CGI, SIG – Software Improvement Group, HvA – SEFlab. They all gave very inspriring presentations: Slides of the Meet your Future: Green IT Networking Event.


source: VU